I am writing regarding the Jerome Corsi interview the other night.
I was extremely disappointed by the refutations of Corsi's assertions. Your only source for the refutations seemed to be the Obama campaign's own poorly constructed 50-page tome which was economical (to say the least) with the truth in many places.
When that didn't seem to refute Corsi's assertions effectively, Ms. Wark reverted to ad hominem attacks on Corsi. I am not a fan of Corsi's at all; in fact I understand him to be a conspiracy nut and an anti-Catholic bigot.
However, there is a very good reason the mainstream American press is going nowhere near his book or the book by David Freddoso: they are afraid of what they will find under those rocks when they do something as simple as a Lexis-Nexis search on local Chicago newspapers - something that anyone who claims the mantle of journalist should know how to do. A secondary school teacher would have failed an expository essay which used only the candidate's word as a refutation.
If serious allegations of corruption were levelled against a British politician, I am certain that you would have done more research than taking the politician's word for it. Your interview and treatment of Corsi betrayed nothing but shear partisanship and a lack of journalistic integrity in covering the American elections. I've come to expect this from the rest of the "serious" British press (with the notable exception of the Times' editorial page), but for some reason, I was expecting more from Newsnight.
Obama is not an agent of change and, instead, comes from two of the most unpalatable persuasions of American political life: Chicago machine politics and '60s radical chic. And a cursory inspection of those people with whom he associated on his rise would throw up some serious questions about his integrity, particularly when he claims to be a uniter.
I am warning you now, please do not be upset, like the rest of the press pack was in 2000 and 2004, when those rednecks in America vote for the "wrong" person in November. There has been very little scrutiny of Obama, his past, and his record, and the next couple of weeks will throw up a lot of mud that will probably stick to him.
James G-
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