Did you see Newsnight last night? Wow...
About 14 minutes in, Jeremy Paxman begins a debate between Douglas Murray (noted British Neoconservative and all-round good egg in the intellectual debate over the Islamisation of European society) one one side, and, on the other side, the extremely PC Bishop of Hulme (who likes using the word Islamophobia a lot) and the world's most dangerous Islamist, Tariq Ramadan.
Ramadan is so bad that even the French and the Canadians won't give him a visa. Of course, why get a French or Canadian visa when you can get a professorship at Oxford, eh?
Ramadan talks a good, peaceful game as an urbane modern intellectual, and constantly speaks of modernising Islam. A few people have stated, however, that Ramadan does not fall into the camp that wants to modernise Islam, but that he wants to Islamise modernity.
I had made some observations about the welcome Ramadan was given by Paxman almost exactly two years ago on Newsnight. It appears from the debate last night that Paxman has been doing a little bit of research.
This is one of those times where one can honestly see Paxman taking sides. And he helps Murray to pwn both Hulme and Ramadan.
One of the things you can say about Paxman, despite his working for a problematic organisation like the BBC and perhaps some of his supposed positions, he is intensely patriotic. For proof, I highly recommend his extremely readable The English. That patriotism came to the fore last night. (I would be interested to read his memoirs when he finally does retire to see what he really thinks of the bias of the organisation he works for.)
Anyway, we were happy to watch it. I think the link I put up is good through Monday.
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