Cobb has tagged me with the following instructions:
1. Pick up the nearest book ( of at least 123 pages).
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the next three sentences.
5. Tag five people.
So, here goes...
I've just started reading The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Middle East by Martin Sieff. I have read all, save two, of the books in the Politically Incorrect Guide series from Regnery and have found them veritable fonts of useless trivia which helps win political pub debates with your opponent going "I'm sorry, I don't know enough about that subject to comment on that aspect. But if it's true, you may be right." (Okay, I made up that last sentence, because there are very few political pub debates that end up with such magnanimous statements. Or if it does, it's usually followed by "You fill in appropriate expletive, you!")
I don't take the facts presented in each book with a grain of salt, but I do take the opinions of the authors with a slight grain. Many of them seem to have a specific axe to grind, which, using the BS detectors, leaves me usually about half-way between the authors' views and the views from which I began the book.
Anyway, this part of the book is in a chapter entitled "The Israeli-Arab Wars" under a sub-section entitled Results of the Six-Day War...This passage speaks of Nasser:
He rapidly rebuilt his army and air force with his Soviet backers. By 1969, he felt strong enough to start bombarding the defenses the Israelis had built to hold the eastern bank of the Suez Canal. In so doing, he launched the War of Attrition.
Anyway...whom to tag...whom to tag....
1. Robert, the Expat Yank
2. Steve, the Pub Philosopher
3. The Gorse Fox
4. Laban Tall at UK Commentators
5. Cllr. Gavin Ayling
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