Still digesting the election results. A few thoughts, some possibly contradictory:
The GOP pi**ed all over the reason independents would vote for them in the first place by becoming big government types. Give people a choice between two big government parties and they will choose the one that makes them feel better about themselves.
One the one hand, universal racism being accepted as an excuse for black underachievement in America may now be a thing of the past. On the other hand, any criticism of Obama will probably be seen as racism.
Talk radio in America will definitely be a lot more interesting over the next couple of years, and if the Dems try to pass a Fairness Doctrine, it will be all-out information war.
I underestimated the power of the media and the gullibility of the American populace, but then, Obama only won by about 5 Million votes, which is not a complete popular landslide. Then again, maybe I haven't underestimated the power of the media - a $600 Million war chest and a popular media that is 90% in the tank for him still only got him a 6% popular advantage. As some people pointed out: we knew within 48 hours all about Sarah Palin's family, but they only just discovered Obama's illegal alien aunt last weekend? If McCain had an illegal alien relative, we would have known by at least last March.
I hope and pray that Obama will govern as the moderate he said he would be, but I won't hold my breath either. He doesn't have to with a Dem majority in Congress. The only upside might be that we can have a repeat of the 1992-4 when the Dems over-reached and delivered a Republican Congress in 1994. I hold out hope, though, for the sake of America, that the Dems don't overreach. But I won't hold my breath.
Does moving to the "center" help the Republicans? McCain was arguably, next to Giuliani, the most moderate candidate going.
Did Palin lose it for him? No. I think the McCain campaign mishandled her which made her look like the idiot she clearly is not. The significant bump she gave to the McCain campaign proves her popularity. Do we see a Palin-Jindal ticket in 2012?
I do hope that when pushed to the wall on the world stage that Obama will behave as an American president should, and look out for America. Which means he wouldn't be doing things that ingratiate him to the BBC or the Guardian. If Obama is doing his job as a head of state, anti-Americanism among the world's elites will continue. It is better to be right than loved.
Well, that's it for now. I, for one, will try not to suffer from Obama Derangement Syndrome. But he's not going to get a pass if he, for instance, fires the US Attorney in Chicago or anything else that smacks of Chicago machine cronyism.
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